Reggie Fils-Aime’s farewell message

Reggie’s farewell message uploaded by IGN

This video encompasses exactly what makes Reggie, Reggie. Reggie has always seen the members of Nintendo – both coworkers and consumers – as fellow family members.

In his farewell video, there are plenty of references to internet and cultural memes about him. For example, Reggie talks about his nickname, “The Regginator”, a little bit in his farewell video. These references show 2 major things about Reggie’s personality as the President of Nintendo of America: how important the Nintendo community’s actions were to Reggie and how active and engage Reggie was in the Nintendo community. Reggie heavily emphasis how the whole Nintendo community felt like a family rather than business-consumer relationship

The second part of Reggie’s farewell video is dedicated to promoting Doug Bowser, the new future President of Nintendo of America. Reggie talks about how many people within Nintendo already see Doug Bowser as an effective leader, or as Reggie puts it in the video: “a driving force”. This serves as confidence booster for the fans. When a leader likes Reggie announces their retirement, many people within community begin to worry if the new leader can continue the legacy. Reggie in this part of his farewell speech reassures Nintendo fans that Doug Bowser will pick off where Reggie left off. Reggie is telling fans that there is no need to worry because Doug Bowser will take great care of the company while continuing to push for new and innovative ideas in the gaming world.

In the last part of his farewell speech. He emphasis that even though he may be dropping the title of “President of Nintendo of America”, but he will retain the more important title of “Nintendo Fan”. First of all, this relates back to his earlier points in the message on how the best part of his job was being a part of the Nintendo family. Second, this message shows that despite his retirement, Reggie is still fully dedicated to being a member of this family. It shows that Reggie is not fully retiring from Nintendo, it just that now he is in a new role in a sense. It shows that Reggie is still has a ton of passion towards Nintendo and that he will continue to make an impact in Nintendo’s future plans.

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