Doc Rivers’s Historical Timeout

Clippers honor Dirk Nowitzki

Doc Rivers’s timeout at the end of Clippers vs Mavericks game on February 25 was one of the most beautiful moments in basketball history that I have ever seen. With 9.4 seconds remaining in the game with his Los Angeles Clippers leading against the Mavericks by a score of 121-112, Los Angeles Clippers Head Coach Doc Rivers uses one of his timeouts to honor Dirk Nowitzki and his legacy in what is most likely his final game in Staples Center – the home of the Los Angeles Lakers and Clippers – against the Clippers.

After calling the timeout, Doc Rivers grabs the microphone from the announcers and starts to rally the crowd behind Dirk Nowitzki, chanting “let’s go, let’s go!” All the sudden, you can here the Los Angeles Clippers’s fans in the stadium start cheering. They were not cheering because their team won the game, but for Dirk Nowitzki as he is approaching end of his NBA career. Dirk Nowitzki means so much to NBA fans. He was one of the greatest players to ever step forth on an NBA court, but more importantly, he was inspiration to many future players, fans, and coaches. Dirk Nowitzki paved the way for a new generation of basketball and he was a great person off the court of basketball as well. You know you are an NBA icon when the fans of another team are cheering for you as well.

The other beautiful moment in this video is when the members of the Los Angeles Clippers start hugging him. These are members of the opposing team coming to hug him. This moment expresses two major facts about Dirk that no one will ever forget: He is a well respected player and person across the whole league and that many players look up to Dirk and his legacy as inspiration for their own careers. I had the absolute privilege of getting to watch this legend play basketball growing up, and I enjoyed every second of it.

Los Angeles Clippers honor Dirk Nowitzki

Los Angeles Clippers Coach Doc Rivers uses a timeout to honor Dirk Nowitzki

On February 25, the Dallas Mavericks played their last game in Los Angeles against the Los Angeles Clippers this season. Ultimately, the Dallas Mavericks would lose that game by a score of 121-112. However, this game was more than just a basketball game; this game was a honoring to a basketball legend: Dallas Mavericks’ Power Forward, Dirk Nowitzki. Dirk Nowitzki is currently playing in his 21st season at the age of 40. By the end of this season, he has announced that he will most likely retire from the National Basketball Association (NBA). For many people, Dirk Nowitzki is one of the greatest players to ever play the game of professional basketball and without a doubt he will be inducted into the Pro Basketball Hall of Fame. Dirk Nowitzki is more than just a great basketball player though; he was a tremendous inspiration for the future generation of basketball players yet to come.

Image of the 2016 NBA draft from

Dirk Nowitzki joined the NBA in 1998 when the Milwaukee Bucks selected him the 9th out of 60 in the 1998 NBA draft, but they precede to trade him to the Dallas Mavericks. What made this pick so historical was that Dirk Nowitzki was not from the United States of America. Before the NBA draft, Dirk Nowitzki was playing professional basketball in Germany. Up until 1998, the NBA did not have a lot of star international players. There were a few recognizable names, but a lot of the big time names – like Michael Jordan and Shaquille O’Neal – were players originally from the US. Dirk Nowitzki was the player that changed that. It was made extremely clear after his first few seasons as an NBA player that Dirk Nowitzki was gonna be a star. With Dirk Nowitzki’s sudden rise to stardom, many NBA teams began to wonder if there were any more players like Dirk. NBA teams since 1999 (Dirk Nowitzki’s 1st year in the NBA after the 1998 NBA draft) started to take more and more notice into the players from the European league of basketball, hoping to find there Dirk Nowitzki. To put this into perspective, in the 1998 NBA draft (Dirk Nowitzki’s draft year), out of the 60 draft picks, only 9 of the players were international players. Fast forward to 2016 and the numbers are significantly different. Out of the 60 draft picks in 2016, 26 of the players were International players. 2016 was the record setting year. Dirk Nowitzki is proof that Basketball is not just and American sport. Other countries have also have very talented basketball players. Many basketball players may get overshadowed by fans just because they are not from the US, and that is a tragedy to say the least. Dirk Nowitzki opened the gateway for International players. Today in the modern NBA, many of most recognizable players are International players. Some of my favorite players who originally played basketball outside of the United States are Ben Simmons from Australia, Joel Embiid from Cameroon, Kristaps Porzingus from Latvia, and Luka Doncic from Slovenia. I’m not the only one who loves these players. If you ask any NBA fan about these players, they would have a lot to say about each player.

Fans celebration the Dallas Mavericks trading for Luka Doncic

As a big time NBA fan – I just really like watching sports -, it is incredibly tough to accept the fact that Dirk Nowitzki is retiring. Dirk Nowitzki has spawned in a whole new generation of basketball; a generation where teams not only look for players within the United States, but also equally consider players who play in International leagues or originally played in their home countries and came to the US to play college basketball. If it wasn’t for Dirk Nowitzki, some of the players I mentioned above may have never made it to the NBA and have the chance to fulfill their dreams: play professional basketball on the biggest stage.

Reggie Fils-Aime’s farewell message

Reggie’s farewell message uploaded by IGN

This video encompasses exactly what makes Reggie, Reggie. Reggie has always seen the members of Nintendo – both coworkers and consumers – as fellow family members.

In his farewell video, there are plenty of references to internet and cultural memes about him. For example, Reggie talks about his nickname, “The Regginator”, a little bit in his farewell video. These references show 2 major things about Reggie’s personality as the President of Nintendo of America: how important the Nintendo community’s actions were to Reggie and how active and engage Reggie was in the Nintendo community. Reggie heavily emphasis how the whole Nintendo community felt like a family rather than business-consumer relationship

The second part of Reggie’s farewell video is dedicated to promoting Doug Bowser, the new future President of Nintendo of America. Reggie talks about how many people within Nintendo already see Doug Bowser as an effective leader, or as Reggie puts it in the video: “a driving force”. This serves as confidence booster for the fans. When a leader likes Reggie announces their retirement, many people within community begin to worry if the new leader can continue the legacy. Reggie in this part of his farewell speech reassures Nintendo fans that Doug Bowser will pick off where Reggie left off. Reggie is telling fans that there is no need to worry because Doug Bowser will take great care of the company while continuing to push for new and innovative ideas in the gaming world.

In the last part of his farewell speech. He emphasis that even though he may be dropping the title of “President of Nintendo of America”, but he will retain the more important title of “Nintendo Fan”. First of all, this relates back to his earlier points in the message on how the best part of his job was being a part of the Nintendo family. Second, this message shows that despite his retirement, Reggie is still fully dedicated to being a member of this family. It shows that Reggie is not fully retiring from Nintendo, it just that now he is in a new role in a sense. It shows that Reggie is still has a ton of passion towards Nintendo and that he will continue to make an impact in Nintendo’s future plans.

President of Nintendo retires

Yesterday, February 1, I received a very shocking and saddening text message from one of my friends back in high school: Reggie Fils-Aime – the President of Nintendo of America – as announced his retirement from the company, starting on April 15. Reggie has been the President of Nintendo of America for the past 15 years. For gamers, these 15 years have been years to remember; In those 15 years, Reggie has become a Nintendo legend (of Zelda).

A YouTuber by the name of Blocked Content posted this video in response to Reggie’s retirement

I low key almost cried watching this video. What Reggie so special to the gaming community that all Nintendo fans will remember his personality. Reggie was charismatic and energetic to the point it was contagious. Reggie was dedicated to innovating the gaming world; he was completely against the idea of gamers getting used to same patterns over and over again after every release of a new game. Of course when you are dedicated to innovating the gaming world, there are going to be a few hiccups. Somethings fans will love to forget soon that Nintendo created during the Reggie era are the awkward handling motion controls in Star Fox Games Games – looking at you Star Fox Zero – and the completely premature release of the Wii U -, but Reggie has also given us timeless games and consoles that have completely change the gaming world. Super Mario Galaxy – a game released for the Nintendo Wii on 2007 – is one of my favorite games of all time. Super Mario Galaxy still had the same boring plot of Bowser kidnapping Peach and Mario having to go save her, but the gameplay was nothing like a traditional Mario game. Super Mario Galaxy tested your platforming skills to their limits in a 3-d plane as Mario hops from galaxy to galaxy. Not only that, Super Mario Galaxy was the first ever Mario game to have a fully symphony orchestrated soundtrack and had cinematic like sequences never before seen in a Mario game; it was truly a work of art. One of Nintendo’s more recent accomplishments in the Reggie Era is the release of the Nintendo Switch. Nintendo decided to go bold with the creation of the Nintendo Switch; they decided they would create the first ever gaming console that you can plug into your TV and take it on the go with you as a portable device and so far sales have been great.

Intro sequence to Super Mario Galaxy uploaded by YouTuber formfact0r

What makes Reggie a living legend amongst Nintendo fans though is his interactions with the gaming community itself. To Nintendo fans, Reggie was more than just a businessman pitching his company’s latest product; he was an active member of the gaming community. One of my personal favorite moments of Reggie’s career was when he gained the persona of the “The Regginator”. Before Reggie was hired to the President of Nintendo of America, Nintendo was in an era where they preferred a more conservative image, and Nintendo fans were getting bored of that image. Then Reggie came along and Nintendo went from having a conservative image to one that embraced energy and theatrics. Fans started calling Reggie “the Regginator”. Reggie, being the interactive community man he is, embraced this new persona. Nintendo released the following video to advertise the E3 announcements in 2014:

Nintendo’s Announcement for E3 in 2014

Reggie’s first words to the world as the President of Nintendo of America was at the 2004 E3 event where he said, “My name is Reggie. I’m about kicking ass, I’m about taking names, and we’re about making games.” Reggie sure did Kick ass. The gaming world garnished a lot of attention and love because of all the hard work Reggie has put into his work. Reggie, in my opinion, represents exactly represents what the ideal businessman should be like. Profits are important of for businessman – after all, it is their living – but to Reggie, the most important aspect of being a businessman is having passion towards the products you produce and most importantly, restoring faith and excitement to the consumers of your product. As someone who has been greatly impacted and influenced by the actions of Reggie, it is unbelievably sad watching him step away from the company. I grew up playing all the games that he has tirelessly worked on producing and pitching. Despite how sad it is to hear this news, I know Reggie’s legacy will continue to live on. He has meant so much to gamers all across the world that i know for sure that his charisma and energy will continue to shape the gaming world long after his retirement. If you end up reading this at all Reggie, I think i speak for gamers everywhere when I say thank you for the past 15 years and we wish you the best moving forward.

John Dorsey’s statement on signing Kareem Hunt

In the SBNation article about the Kareem Hunt signing, there is a section within the article called “Why did the Browns sign Hunt?” The focus was one how Cleveland Browns General Manager John Dorsey knew Kareem Hunt before these incidents occurred and how – when John Dorsey was the General Manager of the Chiefs – he was the person who drafted Kareem Hunt initially. Charles McDonald, the author of the SBNation article, also talked about how John Dorsey as helped players like Tyreek Hill and Antonio Callaway with their character issues and how this could potentially help Kareem Hunt. After signing Kareem Hunt, John Dorsey made a statement about the signing:

“My relationship and interaction with Kareem since 2016 in college was an important part of this decision making process but we then did extensive due diligence with many individuals, including clinical professionals, to have a better understanding of the person he is today and whether it was prudent to sign him. There were two important factors: one is that Kareem took full responsibility for his egregious actions and showed true remorse and secondly, just as importantly, he is undergoing and is committed to necessary professional treatment and a plan that has been clearly laid out.”
“We fully understand and respect the complexity of questions and issues in signing a player with Kareem’s history and do not condone his actions. Given what we know about Kareem through our extensive research, we believe he deserves a second chance but certainly with the understanding that he has to go through critical and essential steps to become a performing member of this organization, aside from what the NFL determines from their ongoing investigation. We fully understand that Kareem is subject to discipline by the NFL. Here at the Browns, there is a detailed plan with expectations laid out that he understands and must follow, because any similar incident will not be tolerated. We will support Kareem through this process and utilize our resources, however permitted, to help him become successful on and off the field as long as he continues to show the commitment necessary to represent this organization.”

The opening paragraph stood out the most to me; the opening paragraph shows exactly why a lot of football fans know John Dorsey as the guy who can help troubled players. One specific moment is when he talks about the Browns due diligence. By having clinical professionals check on Kareem Hunt, it shows that John Dorsey understands that there could be something mentally or emotionally affecting Kareem Hunt’s off the field decisions. It also shows how much the player’s health matters to John Dorsey. The last part of the opening paragraph also shows that John Dorsey and the Browns are prepared to help Kareem Hunt deal with his emotional struggles and also that Kareem Hunt himself is ready to begin turning over a new leaf.

The second paragraph shows, in my opinion, how 2nd chances should be handled in the world of sports. The beginning part of the second paragraph acknowledges the controversy that comes from signing a player like Kareem Hunt. The last sentence, though, is the most powerful statement in the second paragraph. In this sentence John Dorsey shows that the Browns are full committed to helping Kareem Hunt as long as Kareem Hunt continues to show that he deserves the 2nd chance he is getting. In the end of the day, we never know what a person could be struggling through, but we cannot just hand over 2nd chance opportunities on a silver platter. What John Dorsey is showing us is that we can provide opportunities to people like Kareem Hunt that allow them to take control of their life again.

The Controversial Kareem Hunt Signing

The Cleveland Browns logo from

Earlier this week, the NFL released some extremely controversial news. The Cleveland Browns announced that they are going to sign former Kansas City Chiefs running back, Kareem Hunt. Kareem Hunt is a very talented running back, as he lead the league in rushing yards during the 2017-2018 NFL season. Despite the talent Hunt has, this is a very questionable time to sign him; that is because he is currently on the NFL’s Commissioner’s Exempt List awaiting discipline and a suspension next year as the NFL continues to investigate his potential assault charges.

The video TMZ released of Kareem Hunt and posted on youtube on December 3, 2018

The above video is the video TMZ released around the last week of November of 2018 of Kareem Hunt aggressively attacking a woman in the hall of a hotel. This was determined to have taken place on February 2018. Shortly after the video being released, The Kansas City Chiefs released Kareem Hunt from their roster on November 30. When the Chiefs released Kareem Hunt, they released a statement why they did:

“Earlier this year, we were made aware of an incident involving running back Kareem Hunt. At that time, the National Football League and law enforcement initiated investigations into the issue. As part of our internal discussions with Kareem, several members of our management team spoke directly to him. Kareem was not truthful in those discussions. The video released today confirms that fact. We are releasing Kareem immediately.”

There is a lot of controversy around the Kareem Hunt case itself. For example, there are reports and leaked footage of the Hotel’s camera that the reason why Kareem Hunt got so mad at the woman he attacked was because she was throwing racial slurs at him. Despite this, it still does not excuse the fact that Kareem Hunt got way to aggressive towards her -like that last kick he threw at her. On top of this situation, it has also been reported that Kareem Hunt has assaulted a man at an Ohio resort and another man at a nightclub.

Overall, I think the Kareem Hunt case points out a major flaw in the NFL: Its management of discipline. Kareem Hunt so far is expected to be able to play next season and will be suspended for 6 games for the 3 potential assault charges – which he as acknowledged and apologized for. Only 6 games; as someone who loves to watch NFL football, this is a complete joke. To put this in comparison with another case, Tom Brady – who is the New England Patriots quarterback – was suspended 4 games in the 2015-2016 NFL season for allegedly ordering Patriots employees to deflate footballs to help the Patriots beat the Indianapolis Colts in the playoffs. The NFL only suspended Kareem Hunt 2 more games for assaulting 3 different people compared to Tom Brady for cheating – even though his involvement was questionable at best – in a football game. There is a major problem with how the NFL administers discipline and it is effecting the safety of its players and the people around them.

Image of second chance from

Despite my issues with how Kareem Hunt’s situation was handled, he has been given a second chance to succeed in the league and I wish him the best. In my opinion, the Cleveland Browns were the best team he could of gone to for his second opportunity and is because of one man: General Manger John Dorsey. John Dorsey has a reputation of being able to help players with a troubled pass be able to turn a new leaf. As a football fan, nothing is worse then watching a player succumb to his inner demons, so I hope John Dorsey can help Kareem Hunt expel his inner demons.

Economics and National Stability

Economics is one of my favorite subjects in the world of academics. The reason why is because the study of economics teaches us how government systems operate and how specific policies enacted by the government effect the people both living within that nation’s borders and outside as well. The study of economics also teaches us how and why some countries economic policies and systems fail, which allows us to keep track of how these nations combat their economical crisis.

Image from

In the video where Nadia Calviño comments about Spain’s future economical growth, she eludes to the point of how to much intense international competition can be very harmful to a nation’s economic stability. A perfect example of this is the Cold War between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialists Republic (The Soviet Union). In the Cold War, both the US and the Soviet Union wasted a lot of their money and resources into the the Arms Race and Space Race against each other. The result was that both nations faced major budget deficit issues for the amount of spending each nation took to be more powerful than the other. The US was able to recover from this massive budget deficit, but the Soviet Union was never able to fix its budget deficit issue and eventually collapsed because of it.

Image from

This idea I believe reflects a problem with economic analysis today, or atleast the way it is reported sometimes. A big part of economic analysis is comparing one nation’s economic statistics to another. I have no problem with these comparisons; in fact, i think that these comparisons can be very helpful towards a nation’s growth. There is problems though when these comparisons are used to determine whether or not a country has been economically successful or not. Every country has different economical situations, like environmental and climate in the country, the population and demographic in that nation, etc., that effect how they will create certain economic policies. Due to these wide range of varieties and differences between different nations, I don’t think that comparing other nations with each other is an accurate representation of a nation’s economic success.

The example in the video is when Nadia Calviño is asked how she feels knowing that Spain’s in a better situation than Italy is. Her response to this was that she could not comment on another Nation’s policies or situation and that her focus was on the economic stability of Spain. This, in my opinion, was the correct response because comparing Spain’s economical situation to a nation’s like Italy – who is currently in a very difficult political and economic time – is not gonna show how Spain is improving economically. All this comparison between Spain and Italy shows is that Spain is in a much more stable situation than Italy is; this comparison will not show how Spain can continue to improve its Economy. The focus of every nation should be to make sure they are in an financially stable situation, and this will very between each nation. I am not saying that a nation should solely focus on its own progress. It has been proven by countless economists that a healthy foreign relationship is super beneficial for each nation involved in that relationship. What I am saying is that we should not get to caught up in intense International competition and comparisons cause we could end up running this country into the ground.

Economic Progress of Spain

Image of the Spanish flag from

In my second quarter of my first year of college, I am taking an intro class to microeconomics. Despite the class being about microeconomics, we still talk about macroeconomics because their terms and concepts go hand-in-hand with each other. This week in the 2nd quarter of the school year, Professor K.C. Fung shared with his students – which includes me – a video about Spain’s Economic growth, specifically Nadia Calviño’s overall reflections on the past few years of Spain’s progress and the future budget plans of Spain. In the video about Spain, Nadia Calviño – who is the Minister of Economy and Business for Spain and was a former Director-General of Budget for the European Commission – talks about how Spain’s GDP (Gross Domestic Product) in 2019 is expected to continue growing at rate above the average rate of nations in the European Union. Spain plans to make this expectation a reality with their new budget plan to increase minimum wage by 22%.

In the video about Spain, Nadia Calviño – who is the Minister of Economy and Business for Spain and was a former Director-General of Budget for the European Commission – . There was a point in this video about where Minster Calviño was being pressured to compare Spain’s economic and political situation to other European countries, such as Italy, who are currently in very unstable situations; I felt like Nadia Calviño handled this situation perfectly. She emphasized heavily that we should not compare one nation’s economical and political progress to another nation’s to determine economical and political success. It is not about competing with other nations to become the top country economically, but rather the goal of each nation should be to achieve its own stability through the cooperation of other nations also looking to achieve this goal. This response shows how Nadia Calviño’s main goal as the Economic and Political Minister of Spain is to focus on Spain’s gradual progress as it fixes its economical crisis. More importantly, it shows that she will not just go and waste all of Spain’s resources just to make Spain a more powerful nation in the global market than another nation like Italy.

Image from

Another powerful point in Nadia Calviño’s speech is when she is questioned about how she plans to push the budget plan when the government lacks strength in terms of European Union (EU) Parliamentary seats. In her response, she sounds very optimistic like she knows that the budget plan for 2019 will pass. The tone in her voice expresses a very important emotion when it comes to persuasion: confidence. When it comes to persuasion, you are only as powerful as you are confident. The more confident someone is during their speech or pitch, the more likely others will buy into that speech or pitch. Her confidence is backed up by the fact when she first became the Economic and Political Minister of Spain, she has managed to pass a significant amount of laws despite their weak position in the European Union.

The Satirical World of Megamind

DreamWorks Animation’s logo from Wikipedia

The creator of Megamind is DreamWorks Animation. DreamWorks Animations is a very well known animation studio company. They have created many super popular animated movies. Major titles such as Shrek, Kung Fu Panda, Madacasgar, etc. are among DreamWorks Animation’s most highly praised films. DreamWorks Animation’s Shrek was a very popular movie that challenged the stereotypical plotline of fairytales by making an ogre the protagonist, and they would challenge another stereotypical storyline with the creation of Megamind.

Image of Megamind from

What makes Megamind such a persuasive and interesting piece of work, though, is its use of satire. Satire is a genre of literature that utilizes irony and exaggeration in a humorous way to intentionally ridicule and/or point out the flaws of a person’s or society’s beliefs and standards. Megamind uses Satire in many different ways to criticize society’s standards on what defines a superhero movie. Satire is a very interesting genre to choose because of one key trait: it is supposed to be funny. Megamind uses its humor to expose the flaws of the stereotypical superhero story; it shows how the stereotypical and overused plotline of superhero movies are not that realistic and relatable to us. That is the main goal of a satirical piece. Humor in satires is designed to make certain ideas seem ridiculous. For example, Megamind challenges the whole idea of fate and destiny playing a role in our lives. A lot of superhero stories have used this plot device to express that certain characters were destined to be superheroes, like how when Superman was sent to earth and was reminded by his parents – both his real parents and adopted parents – that he was going to be a great hero someday. Megamind’s opening sequence is a mockery of this whole concept. Using Superman’s origin story, DreamWorks Animation set up the premise that Megamind was supposed to become a villain – since he landed in a prison – while his nemesis, Metro Man is supposed to become the superhero movie of the story – since he landed in the house of wealthy family. Despite this intro, both Megamind and Metro Man end up defying their supposed “fates”. Megamind ends up becoming the hero of Metro City while Metro Man quits being a superhero to follow his passion for music (yes I am not making this part up).

Laughing face from

DreamWorks Animation’s use of satire helps point out all qualities of typical superhero movies that are completely unrelated to the real world. Satire is an interesting strategy to use because it appeals to people through humor. Megamind lets us all laugh at all the ridiculous over-used plot points of previous superhero movies while teaching us why those plot points are ridiculous through its effective use of satire.

The Life lessons of Megamind

Image of Dreamworks Animation’s Megamind (2010) from

2 nights ago on Wednesday, January 30, my friends and I watched DreamWork’s Animation’s movie Megamind in the lounge of the Turner Residential LoungeA lot of us remembered watching Megamind when it first came out in 2010, and so we all decided to watch again. Megamind is a movie that centers around the Supervillain Megamind. His goal in the movie is to become the baddest supervillain Metro City – the setting of the movie – has ever seen, but once he finally accomplishes his goal, he begins to question the purpose and significance of that very goal. I remembered really enjoying this movie when it first came out in 2010, but I did not really understand why exactly. In the company of my friends, I enjoyed the movie again in 2019. The difference watching this time compared to watching it in 2010 is that I understand now what makes this movie so magical for me.
The year 2010 was an interesting year for superhero/supervillain movies; movie producers began to really push the boundaries and challenge the premises of what makes a good superhero/supervillain movie. 2010 saw the release of Illumination Entertainment’s Despicable Me and DreamWorks Animation’s Megamind. Both movies centered around the supervillain becoming good and both received mostly positive reviews from critics and the general public. These 2 movies are very different from the Superman and Batman cartoons I used to watch as a kid, and I think what made Megamind so special to me was how different it was to these old cartoons I used to watch.

Image of the DC superheroes from

After watching Megamind, my friends and I got to into a discussion about what we enjoyed in the movie. Of course we talked about all the weird, goofy moments in the movie, such as all the times Megamind keeps pronouncing “Metro City” as a “Metrocity”, but the main point of our discussion was how Megamind is actually a satire. Someone pointed out how blatantly Megamind makes fun of the cheesy, overused classic superhero storyline; That storyline being that the hero is destined to be great from the beginning, win the fight against his destined arch nemesis, and get the girl in the end. Thinking about that point more clearly, it is obvious now that Megamind is making fun of this storyline. For example, the opening sequence in Megamind is a complete ripoff of Superman’s origin story. Superman’s origin story sets him up to be the Earth’s chosen defender, while Megamind’s origin story sets him up to be a diabolical supervillain. Megamind goes against this chosen fate of his though. Another interesting point that someone made was how one of Megamind’s themes was that the world is not just black and white – or good vs evil. The movie makes it clear that the reason why Megamind chose to become a supervillain was that he thought it was his fate to become a supervillain from the events that happened in his childhood. At the end of the movie, however, Megamind finds himself becoming the hero of Metro City and having to protect Metro City from the “superhero” he created to be his arch nemesis.

Watching Megamind again was refreshing for me. It reminded me of an important life lesson I was taught in high school: when society becomes too generalized and cliche like, it is up to us – the people living in that society – to break those molds. Our lives are shaped by us and not by fate. I wanted to share this because everyone faces moments in their lives where they feel like they are being pressured to become something they don’t want to be. For example, this can be parents forcing you to pursue a career you don’t to be in or peer pressure for friends to participate in an event you do not want to be in. It can seem like fate is working against you. Personally, for me, I felt the way Megamind did at the beginning of the movie; I felt like I was completely screwed over by fate. I was born without the ability to smell, breathing issues, and tons of digestive issues that I still do not fully understand today. I felt like I was set up by fate to be a failure, like how Megamind felt like he was set up by fate to be a supervillain. However, through my life experience, I have learned it is not about the cards you are dealt with in the beginning, but what you managed to do with them later on.